Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We are drifting apart.
The things keeping us afloat,
Cherished memories,
Residual love,
Potential gossip,
Prying questions.
The sad part?
You don't even see it!
Then maybe we can do something about it.

*Inspired by Yaa's status message on 20th September 2010.


Aku$hika said...

The unspoken issues creep out eventually. The questions yet to be answered. The longer it drags out, the harder it is to get things back.

The Author said...

Aren't we all drifting in our fast-paced world?

Aku$hika said...

Perhaps we need to slow down, and take account of the things which also matter.

Aba T. Tetteh said...

@lucci: That is true and in the end together doesn't seem right at all(to borrow the words of Avril)

Aba T. Tetteh said...

@Nana Yaw: A fast-food mentality applied to all things in life?

Aba T. Tetteh said...

@lucci: A slowdown in a fast-paced world? Stock-taking all the things we are missing or not communicating will help, yes, but not if the underlying problem is not found and solved.

Unknown said...

Isn't it sad that most of us are drifting through life without even knowing it; until a shock event jolts us back to consciousness? I liken it to a captain of a ship. The sea is calm, weather is fair, danger seems far away. Why not fall asleep at the helm and let the ship drift... Until...

This poem fits nicely with a report I'm reading on learning. There's maintenance learning and innovative learning. Maintenance learning does just enough to keep the status quo. Whereas innovative learning looks into the past and present, and using forecasting techniques, prepares to meet the challenges of the future. Innovative learning requires constant re-evaluation, which seems to lacking for one of the parties spoken of in the poem... This is random. I know.

Aba T. Tetteh said...

@Nanasei: It gets messy when nothing gets to shock us to consciousness. Going with the flow and dead to all things. Robots performing a set of functions. It is easier to let go then to hold on and fight. :)

Maintenance and innovative learning? :). I like the fact that it can be applied to everything else we do in life.